Sunday, October 18, 2009

Journal 5

Everyday, I hope it will get better or maybe easing up by a little. How come this feeling never ends? It always comes back whenever it flashes across my mind and ending up affecting my emotions. I just wish that time can be turned backwards so that I can go through everything again, but this time without any mistakes. I would know what are the right choices, expressions, words and emotions to coop with situations. There were two movies that really touched me when I watched them. Its about having second chances in life. I really wished that I can have that chance.
1st movie: If Only.

This is a movie with a very romantic plot where the guy did not appreciate his girlfriend until she meet an accident and pass away. The time lenght in the movie is only two days. On the 1st day, the guy was very busy with work, stuff, meetings, friends and all. He did not really pay much attentions to his girlfriend. At the end of the day, she was really upset and left the guy in a taxi. Just about a couple of metres away, that taxi was crashed by another vehicle and caused the girl's life. He regretted deeply with an excruciating pain penetrating his heart where a wound that will never heals took its place. The whole incident took place just within a day. He was then miraculously given a second chance to do all over again on that specific day. Similar incidents of the previous day took place where he lost his precious love. He tried everything in his power to stop them but soon to realise that those occurrence occurred again. Realising that avoiding is useless, he loved his girlfriend like there was no tomorrow. At the end, he took over his girlfriend's death place as he scarified himself for his love. Indeed, this is a very touching story.
If Only that I were to be given a second chance, I will not repeat my same mistakes and take all preventative measures to prevent history from repeating. I shall be condemned if the same things reoccur. We can only learn from the past. It will be useless only if we don't learn from it. Just like the incidents that took place during the 1st day.We do make mistakes, the most important thing is that he learnt them and applied what he learnt on the 2nd day. He knew he ignored his GF's feelings. He knew he did not treated her well. The main key is where he gets to tackle those mistakes by doing his very best to his GF. Too bad in reality, there is no such thing as turning back time. Life is freaking cruel where once its done, its forever.

2nd movie: Click

This comedy flick hit the cinemas in 2006 starring Adam Sandler. I believed that most of you all had seen this movie before. For those who hasn't, its a bout this man who puts his job no.1# Everything in his life was all about his work until he neglected his family. One day, he felt like his life is moving so slow and wished that he had a universal remote control to control everything in his life. His wish was granted and was told to use it wisely. Soon, he start experimenting with that remote to find out that it is really a useful tool. He can skipped whatever he doesn't likes and gets the end result of it. Due to what he had done with the control initially, it automatically programs itself and start controlling the occurrence according to whatever it he had done. It skipped his children's growth time, skipped his romance with his wife, skipped his attentions towards his parents and many more. The remote piratically took over his life until the day he dies. His last words towards his son was to take care of his sister and not to repeat his mistakes. To his ex-wife is written on a tissue " will you love me tomorrow?" with his answer "forever and ever". Lastly, and international sign language (the middle finger) to his wife's current husband. Surprisingly, he woke up to find out that it was just a dream. His plans totally changed and did whatever he can to prevent that incident from happening. Another second chance granted.

Once again, people only learn from the past. The past is what makes up the future. If there was something wrong in the past, we do better in the future. In the movie, there was a projection to the future so that he was able to see / foresee every possible thing that will take place if he continues with what he is doing. If I could foresee what I was doing back then, I can GUARANTEE that this WILL NOT happen. I believe that we could be happily talking to each other right here, right now! Remember, life always sucks. Life was not intended to be nice. Seriously, how I wished that everything can be just like how it used to be now.
Honestly speaking, I really regretted for my past mistakes, mischiefs and misbehaviour. That is why my previous journal entry was about CHANCE.
Note: These journal entries was intended as a diary for myself. It is made public today for those close to me to learn from my mistakes so that simliar incidents will never happen to you.


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