Friday, July 25, 2008

AVRIL Finally coming!!!

Malaysia 2008 ROCKS!!! Its one unforgettable year indeed. Even number years to be has all along been the "good" year following by the most likely not so good of the even number years...

So whats so happening?

After hearing the Shocking news that MTV Asia Awards is coming to Malaysia this August, there is an immediate follow-up by an even BIGGER (to me) and BETTER news!!!!

is coming too!!!!


Its really the
that is going to happen

Zooom >>>>> Fast forward into the future
Here is how its gonna look, sound and feel like,

The video its not taken from me, it might be one of her people :P
See where she face, there is where I'm gonna seat.
(can't go for the red zones, Tisya dun wan wo :( )
I've waited all my life for her concert to be held in Malaysia. As a teenager back then when she 1st released her Let Go album, I've wanted to see her perform live! I remembered the 1st time I heard her Complicated was when my sis got her CD dunno from who at my old house and the 1st time I saw the MTV for Complicated was at my grandma's house back at Ipoh. Memories way back, ya?


Then there came her Under My Skin album. Songs like Don't tell me, Nobody's home was great enough. Not leaving My Happy Ending behind as my 1st skin for my blog with the song played i the background. The blog was titled My Happy Ending too...everything dedicated to her until Mr. Jon Wong pleaded me to change it... Hahaha...


Speaking about the change, I used When you're gone from her latest album The Best Damn Thing for the blog skin partially linked to Avril latest album of her signature "crossed skull" logo. It was been around for quite some time last year until I changed to this skin recently due to the dreams that took, yeah.... flying. ~~


Songs like Innocence, When you're gone, Hot and many more of those from her previous album are all compiled into a CD (for personal use only) is playing in my car these days. Just like I've always wanted but no chance due to the "rosak" CD player in my old car.

Since she is coming to Malaysia, am I going? Haih,I guess I don't need to answer this question at all!!! Its obviously shown in my expression here and written all over my Face! I'll post up another post when I receive the ticket from Tisya (she is helping me to buy).

Argh, can't wait till 29th of August.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New stuff for snookie!

Today after Jess's final paper, we went for lunch @ Ikea for its yummy meat balls! Yum....

Then Jess packed some meat balls for Bronson aka Bonnie Jai. So we had our lunch and headed to Padini Concept Store to have a look at whats on sale? N i bought a SEED shirt with a high % sale despite buying a few shirts and a pair of jeans yesterday at the same place. I can't resist myself to buy them cuz its on SALE!!!

So after the little shopping spree.... We were looking for a parkson or sumthing like that which have a department on perfume. But sadly, there isn't without noticing that there is a Metrojaya next door until we are on our way back driving halfway at LDP.

We came across a huge store selling pet stuff called Pets Safari. In the store, we saw many weird fishes and land creatures. There were snakes, scorpions, spiders to alligator. Toy look alike frogs are available too. N here is one which is worth taking picture and video at...

Watch the video and observe the words spoken by the bird. Not our voices please...

The talking bird!


Have a closer look... He says "harlo" lovely....

Without the camera facing the bird, it said harlo so many times...especially when i was trying to feed him with some "kuachi".
Next we saw lobsters, I told jess that lets rare it till it grows big and EAT it! LOL
Then after walking one round, we came to a section where there were so many cute puppies!


We saw this cute golden retriever at 1st. I think just a couple of weeks only...

Then this huge pup,

Bernise mt. dog. So big ler...n cute :)

The rest was rather common...

After looking at the cute pups, I went to the dog accessories department to get my Snookie something.


Here you go boy.... A new toy... and I tied a new collar around his neck. The belle that comes with it is making a hell lot of noise.. Gonna remove it when I'm going to sleep later. :P Jess bought lil or i'd say old but small snookie some raw hide while he peed on their just washed and finally dried after 2 days blanket 2 days ago. Such a notti boy!

So thats all for today's blog and gotta catch up for tomorrow's Business LAW mid term exam~~ :S

Friday, July 11, 2008

ZzZzZzZ .. .. sleeps~~

This post is specially dedicated to the few who sleeps in class...

NOTICE: I'm an inattentive student too, I do sleep in class.. :P

Okay...I bet those people involved in this post must be very pissed at me! Muahahahahaha! (evil laughs)

Lately I've been evil taking pictures while some of my friends are having a nap during lecture...

As the lullaby was sang ~~~~
In Marketing class...
Photobucket Photobucket
In Business Stats...
Shhhh.... They're sleeping~~~
The new couples
Syamir & Louisa
(Both sleeping in class)

Look at them, (@_@) They looked so tired~

Note: To me, both classes are quite interesting. The lecturers are good too.. but, err.....

Back in previous sem...
guy sleeps during lectures very often


I can't rotate the video... just watch as you continue to read. A really hilarious one :D
Seriously, he sleeps in almost every class. There was once, he even snored during the finals!

Ps: Them sleeping in class does not mean that they are nocturnal, all you can blame is the FOOD before class....!!!!

Hope you guys don't kill me after reading this post! Just for fun.. PEACE

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Wednesday is the best day of the week for this semester. 7 days a week and Wed is my only Holiday! Whole day can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!



Maybe go for movies (Wed Movie day)

If fell like study can study

Dun wana study can dun study

Play with Snookie..
Oh ya! About the lil fella... It seems like it has been awhile since I've talk about him..

But first, lets look at his recent picture..


This is when he just got back from grooming (ps. also my current phone wallpaper)
He is 10 months old by now..turning 1 year old next month.
OMG!! This means 1 yr = 7 dog yrs. fast can enter primary year 1 alr. Hahaha... Still as playful as usual.

Recently, I've been playing this website-based online war game similar to Utopia and Dominion in the past. But this game is in CHINESE! Imagine how a person like me who doesn't know how to read and just only speak very minimum Chinese can play this game. I guess you know how the english ones goes. Majority in letters right! This is very similar...But guess what, I manage to play it! HEHEHE!!! Pay a little visit to find out what is it if interested..

In just a short time, I'll be having mid-term exams next week. Thats the bad news. Every bad news comes with a good news. It is that I'll just be sitting for 1 subject that is Business Law and it covers 3 topics only. Well, just take it easy and everything will turn out just fine!

Hmm...There is a feeling of cooking something to eat today, or maybe going out for dinner as usual... We shall see...

A bm tag from Liying long time ago

Here is something that I owed you exactly ONE month ago...
Quite long rite? hahaha, but anyways as I promised...
here is how it goes

Survey ini perlu dijawab dalam Bahasa Malaysia.

7 fakta tentang saya
1. Saya seorang lelaki yang telah berumur 21 tahun.
2. BM saya masih ada guna terutamanya apabila sedang berkerja di izzinet.
3. Saya sedang belajar di HELP (sangat kecewa).
4. Saya suka berkawan ramai - ramai.
5. Saya suka makan donut J'CO.
6. Saya mahu mendapat markah tiggi dalam pelajaran saya.
7. Saya suka menolong rakan -rakan karib saya! :)

7 perkara menakutkan saya
1. Ju on saya paling takut
2. Kemalangan jalan raya yang teruk
3. Anjing liar yang ber-geng
4. Kena tangkap polis
5. Tiada kawan lagi
6. Berhadapan ibubapa mertua (jika ada)
7. Meneruskan tag ini. lol

7 lagu buat masa sekarang
1. Avril - Innocent
2. Avril - I will be
3. Danity Kane - Damaged
4. Colby O'donis - What you got
5. Mariah Carey - Bye Bye
6. Rihana - Disturbia
7. Rihana - Take A Bow

7 perkara yang selalu saya sebut
2. U feel me?
3. Am I rite?
4. See first
5. Puk!m@
6. Of COZ
7. aaaAAAHHHH (nada bersetuju)

7 perkara yang amat bernilai
1. Keluarga
2. Kawan-kawan
3. Internet
4. Gambar-gambar saya dalam cakera keras (hard disk) saya
5. Hubungan dalam telefon bimbit saya
6. Masa depan saya
7. Imej diri saya

7 "pertama kali" dalam hidup saya
1. Makan di Manhattan Fish Market bulan lepas
2. Menonton di pawagam GSC the Gardens
3. Menghabiskan assingment hampir 48 jam apabila sedang belajar di ICPU sem pertama
4. Kena berpisah dengan dua orang kawan karib saya tahun lepas
5. Mendapat gaji yang tiggi berkerja sama izzinet
6. Dapat guna Izzi 4G selama satu minggu.
7. Menaip dalam Bahasa Malaysia untuk tag ini

7 orang bertuah (JAWAB TAG NI BALIK!) [Jika dikehendaki)
1. Joshua Lee (kalau dia nak "update" blog dia)
2. Jon Wong (kalau dia tahu menaip dalam BM)
3. Jocelyn Yong (kalau dia tiada kerja mau buat)
4. Joni Tham (kakak I kalau dia ada masa)
5. Josephine Wong (jika dia mau)
6. Atisya Yunus (jika dia dapat baca blog saya)
7. Kanagaraj Pillay (jika masih blog)

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Story from Izzinet

It has been almost 3 months since I joined Izzinet working at Sunway. In some of the "curi-curi" to blog while working post, everyone should know that I used to work as full time and then started to work as part time when class starts. Now, lets meet the people there..

Bobby Ong (Leader) - he is in every picture
Shu Wen - Bobby's GF (lol)
Wyes - Bobby's Head and so as ours
Johnathan Cheang - Came and go in less than a month time
Ah Lun and Edmund - Edmund is not in those pics. The both of them are good frens.
Fili - At least you recognize who
Me - You know who
Ah Kit - A promoter from Dell who works along our side

There are many more people who works with us. We call most of them "the resellers". They are good people and nice to talk with.

Shu Wen...(my teacher) unfortunately when I entered for 3weeks under her guidance, it was time for her to pursue her studies.


3rd from left..Yup! Thats her.

Lucky she got my advice and now doing her Marketing in Diploma @ Segi KL

This would be Johnathan Cheang's last day with us....


2nd from right is that "corny" guy. Wyes is 1st from right.

The day when Fili left izzinet....

Here we have "Ah Lun" and "Ah Kit" and I was taking this snapshot

Of course people who came and go from our team is not just only those listed on top. There are more but some aren't really that significant as I wasn't close to them and the rest is working at Low Yat and Digital Mall. Means there are some who I didn't really meet before. Up to date, my bro and 2 other new promoters are in the cast. In future, Fili might be coming back and Jess will join us. See, the people just won't end when one leaves.

Experience wise, I can say I learned a lot to handle cases a.k.a. SHITS (problems that required to be solved after selling) and talking out "confused" customers. Its facing people and handling them! A good contribution to my future career.

Every week, working is essential these days. Some days would be exciting and fun while others would be BORING due the words I used to promote/demo to EVERY SINGLE PERSON!!!

Alrite Jon! Here is one story done...